Are you worried about recurrent implantation failures?

Are you worried about recurrent implantation failures?

Facing recurrent implantation failures in three or more consecutive IVF attempts can definitely leave a couple dejected. Such patients need medical and psychological support to cope up with and help them understand what caused it and how they can prevent it from happening again. It is very important to evaluate both male and female partners in such cases and individualise the treatment accordingly. CAUSES AND TREATMENT

Fertility and Cancer – Do fertility drugs cause cancer?

It is true that a few studies seemed to find a connection between fertility drug use and an increased risk of breast or uterine cancer, specifically with the drug Clomiphene Citrate. But should you be concerned about an increased cancer risk? Let’s take a look. Studies that suggest a link between fertility treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and cancer are conflicting, with some reporting a small increase in […]

Effect of Cancer Treatment on Fertility

Effect of Cancer Treatment on Fertility

Cancer is the abnormal growth and division of cells and can develop almost anywhere in the body. There are different types of cancers including lung cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lymphoma, etc. The symptoms of cancer can vary depending on the type of body part is affected. Fertility issues with cancer and cancer treatment Cancer and some of the cancer treatments can affect a woman’s fertility or […]